Many of us live, to some degree, in denial about climate change. Even if the argument over the reality of climate change is resolved, can we actually imagine a flooded earth?
In his new book, The Water Will Come: Rising Seas, Sinking Cities and the Remaking of the Civilized World, award-winning environmental journalist Jeff Goodell sets out to confront the specific implications of rising sea levels. Travelling across 12 countries, reporting on the ground and interviewing front-line scientists and engineers, Goodell describes the change we’re seeing already and the upheaval we can anticipate, from Miami Beach to the megacity of Lagos.
An award-winning author and reporter for Rolling Stone and the New York Times, Goodell paints a vivid, detailed and alarming picture. ‘It’s often argued that climate change is a problem that impacts everyone on the planet,’ he writes. ‘What’s less obvious is that the solutions to climate change are already deepening the divide between the doomed and the saved.’
With Tony Birch, Goodell will talk coastlines, climate apartheid and new frontiers.
Dymocks Camberwell will be our bookseller at this event.

Jeff Goodell
Jeff Goodell is a contributing editor for Rolling Stone and a frequent contributor to the New York Times Magazine. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Our Story: 77 Hours That Tested Our Friendship and Our Faith ...