Breanne Peters
Breanne Peters
Breanne Peters (Kai Tahu, Ngāti Ruanui, Te Atiawa) was born and raised in Naarm (Melbourne) and didn’t know anything about her Māori heritage until a trip home to Aotearoa a few years ago. While she was there, she had a physical reaction to being on her land that changed the course of her life. Now, the 18-year-old artist is on a mission to heal intergenerational trauma so that future generations can have access to their language and culture.
She is a passionate advocate for rangatahi Māori (young people) and has found community and support for her journey with the Naarm based kapa haka T’HONI. Singing in her language has brought Breanne closer to her creative purpose and deepened her respect for First Nations people and culture in Australia.