John Kinsella
John Kinsella
John Kinsella’s most recent volumes of poetry include Drowning in Wheat: Selected Poems 1980-2015 (Picador, 2016), Open Door (UWAP, 2018), Insomnia (WW Norton, 2020) and Supervivid Depastoralism (Vagabond, 2021). University of Western Australian Press will be publishing his Collected Poems 1980-2021 in three volumes, with the first volume being released in early 2022.
John’s volumes of stories include In the Shade of the Shady Tree (Ohio University Press, 2012), Crow’s Breath (Transit Lounge, 2015) and Pushing Back (Transit Lounge, 2021). His recent novels include Lucida Intervalla (Dalkey Archive, 2019) and Hollow Earth (Transit Lounge, 2019). His volumes of criticism include Activist Poetics: Anarchy in the Avon Valley (Liverpool University Press, 2010) and Polysituatedness (Manchester University Press, 2017).
John’s new memoir is Displaced: a rural life (Transit Lounge, 2020). He is a Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge University, and Emeritus Professor at Curtin University. He lives with his family in wheatbelt Western Australia and is an anarchist vegan pacifist and environmentalist of long standing.