TNC Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

All successful applicants have a unique experience as part of The Next Chapter. We recognise that no two writers have the same needs or same priorities. Our expectations, and all requirements on the part of the participants, are mutually agreed on the basis of individual capacities.


The selection process

Entrants warrant that their submission is their own original work; that they are the sole author and owner of copyright in the entry; that the material has not been previously licensed for exclusive use in any form in any territory; that the material does not infringe any existing copyright or licence or any other third-party rights; that the material does not contain any material in breach of official secrets, confidentiality obligations or any other laws; and that all statements in the entry purporting to be facts are true.

All information shared in the application process is kept private and will only be shared internally with The Next Chapter assessors. Any data shared with stakeholders will remain anonymous.

Any submission received that does not meet the above requirements will be purged without being read.

Wheeler Centre staff will conduct the eligibility assessment. A committee of external readers will conduct a first-round assessment of entries.

Longlisted entries will be judged by a panel of judges. The selection panel’s decision is final.

In all matters relating to conditions of entry, the decision of the organisers is final.

Expectations of participants

The Next Chapter writers’ program is offered to help writers develop a specific piece of work during a 12-month period engaged by the Wheeler Centre.

All successful applicants have a unique experience as part of The Next Chapter. We recognise that no two writers have the same needs or same priorities. Our expectations, and all requirements on the part of the participants, are mutually agreed on the basis of individual capacities.

At all stages, mentors and other support people for recipients are selected on the basis of individual fit. The purpose of this program is to support you in developing your own confidence in your work, voice and identity as a writer. Your writing is yours. You own it. Personal history or writing of a personal or delicate nature will be handled with respect and sensitivity.

The broad aims of the program are to ensure that each participant:

  • Aims to complete a finished manuscript within 12 months of the official commencement of the program;
  • Participates in a 12-month mentorship, including being open to receiving and engaging with criticism and constructive feedback from their mentor;
  • Participates in professional development activities (dependent on availability) (eg. publisher pitching workshops, attendance at writers’ festivals, residency at Varuna, The National Writers’ House, etc.);
  • Participates in quarterly reporting and meetings with the Wheeler Centre about the program (online or in person depending on circumstance); and
  • Participates in the Wheeler Centre’s communications and promotion of the program (dependent on the participant’s availability).

Note: travel and publicity commitments are not compulsory requirements of The Next Chapter participants if personal circumstances preclude such activities.

Successful applicants agree to enter into discussion regarding publishing extracts of completed projects on the Wheeler Centre’s website – although copyright will remain with the recipient.

Writers selected for the program will have the opportunity to attend a week-long residency at Varuna, The Writers’ House in Katoomba, NSW, and will each receive a Varuna alumni membership as part of their involvement in The Next Chapter.